
Thank God for Obama? I think not!

Every day, for the past several months, I've made a habit in my morning prayers of thanking God for the emergence of Barack Obama. Not because my hope is in Obama, but because my hope is always, unequivocally in God.
As so many have noted, 2008 is not an ordinary American election.
Rather than two people with different policy positions vying for the President's job, we have one man who understands he's a mere mortal like the rest of us, and one man, who seems to think he is a god.
And y'all know what I'm talkin' about here.
Many of Barack's followers manifest troubling signs of regarding him as at least a demigod. Even while refraining from saying outright that they think he's a god, their belief comes through in the strange messianic iconography of their Obama-glorifying posters, videos and music. Belief in the godlike nature of Barack's powers comes through in their faith in the vast promises he or his surrogates make about the change that's going to come about, not if, but when he becomes president, not just of our Country, but the whole darned world, oceans and all. Or so he seems to think..
Obama, the Anointed One, will be diastrous for our county. Hopefully the voters will not install him to join with the unprincipled dems in Congress.
As a fellow Christian, I believe God created the world, and all in it, to be Good. Adam and Eve broke it by choosing to go their own independent way; prompted with the temptation of Satan to, ‘be like God.’ We should take care not to blame God for our self-made messes. I hope the majority of American voters wake up to the chimera who is named Barack Obama, before it is too late.
Which is worse? Hussein Obama or the voters that WILL vote for him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Barry Hussain Obama may be the anti-Christ we have been told about. He is one scary dude