
Race Hits The Obama, And McCain Campaign.
John McCain accused Barack Obama of playing politics with race on Thursday, raising the explosive issue after the first black candidate with a serious chance of winning the White House claimed Republicans will try to scare voters by saying he "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills." Until now, the subject of race has been almost taboo in the campaign. . .
Obama WANTS this to be a race issue. Then if he loses, he can say it is because of his race. The Democrats brought it up first ala Bill Clinton and now Obama is grabbing onto it, not the Republicans. He can also try to use the GUILT trip about race. Sorry, Bub, but it is not your race that I abhore; it is your politics. You are a Communist as are all of your friends. It is your radical Left-wing Marxist values that we will be voting against not your race.
If this clown gets elected and pushes for reparations, it is gonna get ugly. People are already paying 30% or more of their paychecks toward reparations and are sick of it.

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