
When Obama Is Off the Teleprompter.

It is clear Obama’s path to victory is through the teleprompter. Let him give a big speech and he drives it like Tiger Woods hitting a fairway But let him sit for an interview with a well-prepared reporter who isn’t interested in shilling for him and Obama makes mistake after mistake.
Above all Obama wants to avoid appearances where he is unscripted or might have to go beyond memorized responses. Most of the presstitutes are unlikely to pressure Obama. What will it take to force him to appear and be tested, and very likely fail? He can't avoid the presidential debates because they are an established convention. I foresee him trying to negotiate them from being actual debates at all and more like speeches.
Obama won't go on Fox and get grilled by Chris Wallace and Brit Hume (perhaps our best MSN interviewers now that Tim Russert has passed). So the MSM is going to continue to fawn praise on the Obamaassiah. God help us all if this second coming of Jimmy Carter becomes president.

1 comment:

EDGE said...

Yes, God help us if we have to go through that s--t again.