
Has Obama Lost His MoJo?

Well, it is summer -- vacation time when millions of Americans are actually having personal fun, enjoying "The Dark Knight" and the bright beach, just before the back-to-school sales. It's already been a long campaign -- 19 months -- for everyone to pay attention all the time. And the interregnum between winning the nominations and getting them is a long, hot one.
Also, the down side to "fresh face" is "little-known face." Obama's still a very new character on the national stage. And though Europeans have shown they can fall in love with an American politician during one speech in a platz, Americans historically take much longer to grow comfortable with a potential national father figure.
For a large number of Americans who don't make up their minds anymore according to their parents' "D" or "R," they let the anecdotal impressions of candidates accumulate over time to create a larger, whole portrait for their gut ballot decision. The TV debates could be crucial.
Despite awfully quick denials by party officials and the smiling summit of Obama and Hillary Clinton in Unity, N.H., is the Democratic Party perhaps more severely fractured than it looks? Is race more important than many let on?
Plus the American people don't like it when others try to shove an unqualified candidate down their throats. This is what elite Hollywood and our mostly liberal MSM wolfpack press have done with "the one", Obama. Even a recent poll showed that Americans are getting tired of hearing about Obama everyday. Folks are very uneasy about Obama because they can't figure out who the "real one" is. I know I can't which means the "trust factor" goes down which inturn means less folks are willing to vote for him.
The bottom line is Obama is a big question mark and his campaign and fans will say that "Americans just don't know enough about him yet". But we do and what we see is a guy without major accomplishments and a "core" that's made out of some kind of Jello. Noooooooooo I'm afraid it's going to be John McCain's night on November 4th as the "Silent Majority" makes their "final" decision.....................................and weighs in for McCain. And also, It's a case of oversaturation. The MSM has been obsessing over Obama all year, just like with any product or celebrity there comes a point when the consumer starts rolling their eyes and turning off. Couple that with the Obama ads, videos, songs, etc. all over the net and elsewhere and it just magnifies the effect.
McCain has stared death in the eye and spit in its face more than once and he has served his country for almost 50 years.
Obama has done.... what?


Are you a Democrat, a Republican, or a Redneck

Here is a little test that will help you decide.You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, an Islamic terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah, raises the knife, and charges at you.
You are carrying a Glock cal 40, and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family.
What do you do?
Democrat's Answer:
Well, that's not enough information to answer the question! Does the man look poor! Or oppressed? Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack? Could we run away? What does my wife think? What about the kids? Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand? What does the law say about this situation? Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it? Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children? Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me? Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me? If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me?Should I call 9-1-1 ?Why is this street so deserted? We need to raise taxes, have a paint and weed day and make this a happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior. This is all so confusing! I need to discuss with some friends over a latte and try to come to a consensus.

Republican's Answer:

Redneck's Answer:

Hang In There American's

If there is one real way you can tell you're a Republican. You have faith in free enterprise, faith in the resourcefulness of the American people, and faith in the U.S. economy. Sure we hit some bumps in the road on the way, but that’s the way it goes. Nothing can keep going up, up, up without a detour now and then. Just hang in there you’ll be alright. This is nothing new. To those critics who are so pessimistic about our economy, I say to them, where else can you get what you already have! America is not in a crisis.
For y'all who didn’t grow up in America, this is how it works.
The U.S. economy remains the envy of the world. We have the highest economic growth of any of the world's major industrialized nations. Don't you remember the pessimism of 20 years ago when the critics said Japan and Germany were overtaking the U.S.? Ridiculous!
Now they say the same thing about India and China are overtaking us. Don't you believe it! We may hit a few bumps -- but America always moves ahead! That's what Americans do!
We move prosperity ahead. We move freedom ahead. We move people ahead. Under President Bush and Vice President Cheney, America's economy is moving ahead in spite of a recession they inherited from the Clinton’s....and in spite of the attack on our homeland.
Now, the other party says there are two Americas. Don't believe that either. I've been in Iraq, I've fought for our country for 12 months And I've been wounded and in military hospitals. And I can tell you this: Our troops believe in America. They believe that what we are doing over there is the right thing. If this election was based on their vote and their vote only, then John McCain would win in a landslide.
They believe we are one America and they are fighting for it! We are one America -- and President Bush is defending it with all his heart and soul! Say what you may about him, but y'all can’t say that he is not determined to win this war. And to win it with honor. That's what I admire most about him. He does not waiver. He knows you don't reason with terrorists. Y'all defeat them, you kill them.


The White House race is a close call.

You just can't keep a good man down. That might be the simplest way to sum up John McCain's campaign for the US presidency right now. He's not winning right now but he's running stronger than anyone knows how to explain. McCain is a fascinating figure with a compelling personal and political story. He was a feisty young pilot shot-down in Vietnam, where he was imprisoned for nearly six years and he's a feisty guy today.
That might be the simplest way to sum up John McCain's campaign for the US presidency right now. He's not winning, but he's running stronger than anyone knows how to explain.
Right now, McCain is in an uphill fight for the presidency and ought to be doing badly, hurt by an unpopular Republican incumbent, two wars and a terrible economy.
By contrast, Barack Obama is a charismatic candidate who is setting records for fundraising and voter turnout, buoyed by enormous media attention.
But McCain, according to a new USA Today/Gallup poll, is ahead among likely voters, 49 to 45 per cent.
Other polls still give the lead to Obama but even they routinely give him only a few percentage points and none puts him above 50 per cent.
That's even more remarkable after that tumultuous week of travel, during which Obama was virtually endorsed by the prime minister of Iraq, greeted by a crowd of 200,000 people in Germany, and given breathless coverage by the American media all the way.
The pollsters are looking at the race very differently from the way the press is, and they see something close to a tie.

Thank God for Obama? I think not!

Every day, for the past several months, I've made a habit in my morning prayers of thanking God for the emergence of Barack Obama. Not because my hope is in Obama, but because my hope is always, unequivocally in God.
As so many have noted, 2008 is not an ordinary American election.
Rather than two people with different policy positions vying for the President's job, we have one man who understands he's a mere mortal like the rest of us, and one man, who seems to think he is a god.
And y'all know what I'm talkin' about here.
Many of Barack's followers manifest troubling signs of regarding him as at least a demigod. Even while refraining from saying outright that they think he's a god, their belief comes through in the strange messianic iconography of their Obama-glorifying posters, videos and music. Belief in the godlike nature of Barack's powers comes through in their faith in the vast promises he or his surrogates make about the change that's going to come about, not if, but when he becomes president, not just of our Country, but the whole darned world, oceans and all. Or so he seems to think..
Obama, the Anointed One, will be diastrous for our county. Hopefully the voters will not install him to join with the unprincipled dems in Congress.
As a fellow Christian, I believe God created the world, and all in it, to be Good. Adam and Eve broke it by choosing to go their own independent way; prompted with the temptation of Satan to, ‘be like God.’ We should take care not to blame God for our self-made messes. I hope the majority of American voters wake up to the chimera who is named Barack Obama, before it is too late.
Which is worse? Hussein Obama or the voters that WILL vote for him.

Rappers Make Obama Skip a Beat!

In the arsenal of the culture wars, rap music remains somewhat radioactive -- and Barack Obama now finds himself exposed.
Avowed Obama supporter Ludacris on Wednesday released a freewheeling song called "Politics" in which he repeatedly praised the candidate -- as well as himself, for having found a home on the senator's iPod. But the Atlanta rapper also used a derogatory term to describe Hillary Clinton; asserted that John McCain should be in a wheelchair, not the White House; and declared that President Bush "is mentally handicapped."
Gee, thanks for the endorsement, Luda!
Some of the Democrat's most vocal (literally) supporters are sticking him with a hip-hop dilemma: how to respond to an art form that has a long history as a cultural wedge issue but whose fans and wildly unpredictable practitioners are a part of his base?
Rappers tend to love him -- or at least the basic idea of a black man in the White House. Pro-Obama rap songs and references are proliferating at a staggering clip, and online video endorsements are arriving just as quickly, from "Yes We Can" splicer Will.I.Am and hip-hop impresario Sean "Diddy" Combs on down.
But Obama can't love them back -- at least not unconditionally, given the music's continuing lightning-rod status. This is a man, after all, who has worked tirelessly to make inroads among older white voters, many of whom have a deep aversion to hip-hop.

Better make some more room for another problem person under that bus!

But folks, can't yall see that this is the kind of people that follow this guy around. Can't yall see that he is surrounded by this kink of trash? Can't yall see that Obama is admired by people like this?
A bunch of immature guys running around with their pants down by their knees, with guns mind you, threatening people all the time rhyming made up language is what Obama likes?
He said he would bring change. Well here is some of it. Reparations aren't far behind.

Obama's Plans for Iraq.

Obama has said that he would consult our commanders on the ground and Iraqi leaders, but he did no such thing before releasing his “plan for Iraq.” Perhaps that’s because he doesn’t want to hear what they have to say. During the course of eight visits to Iraq, I have heard many times from our troops what Major General Jeffrey Hammond, commander of coalition forces in Baghdad, recently said: that leaving based on a timetable would be “very dangerous.”
Sorry, Obamba, but al Qaeda has just been driven from Iraq with its tail between its legs, such a huge blow to it that even conservative Muslim scholars are now publishing screeds to kick al Qaeda while it’s down. That’s why a few of its survivors are returning to the Afghanistan area (actually to Pakistan, a sovereign nation that you have suggested we invade). Or don’t you know anything that’s going on in the Muslim world?
Oh, also, love your attempt to make it sound like we are in Iraq against “the will of Iraq’s sovereign government” - when, in fact, we are there at the *request* of Iraq’s sovereign government, whose words / intent *you* recently *lied* about (that liberal Big Lie technique again).
As for McCain, he gets it.
Certain points cannot be repeated enough
Race Hits The Obama, And McCain Campaign.
John McCain accused Barack Obama of playing politics with race on Thursday, raising the explosive issue after the first black candidate with a serious chance of winning the White House claimed Republicans will try to scare voters by saying he "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills." Until now, the subject of race has been almost taboo in the campaign. . .
Obama WANTS this to be a race issue. Then if he loses, he can say it is because of his race. The Democrats brought it up first ala Bill Clinton and now Obama is grabbing onto it, not the Republicans. He can also try to use the GUILT trip about race. Sorry, Bub, but it is not your race that I abhore; it is your politics. You are a Communist as are all of your friends. It is your radical Left-wing Marxist values that we will be voting against not your race.
If this clown gets elected and pushes for reparations, it is gonna get ugly. People are already paying 30% or more of their paychecks toward reparations and are sick of it.


Things Are Changing In Iraq

As we enter the second half of the campaign year, facts are undermining the Democratic narrative that has dominated our politics since about the time Hurricane Katrina rolled into the Gulf coast -- most importantly, the facts about Iraq. During the Democratic primary season, all the party's candidates veered hardly a jot or tittle from the narrative that helped the Democrats sweep the November 2006 elections. Iraq is spiraling into civil war, we invaded unwisely and have botched things ever since, no good outcome is possible, and it is time to get out of there...
If George W. Bush was wrong about the surge from summer 2003 to January 2007, Barack Obama has been wrong about it from January 2007 to today. John McCain seems to have been right on it all along. When asked why he changed his position on an issue, John Maynard Keynes said: "When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?" What say you, Sen. Obama?
Obama is a young man with old ideas. He is one of the youngest men to run for President, but is an old fogey who can't adapt to a new, changing world. He doesn't have the mental agility to look at facts and see that the world has changed. Funny that he keeps asking for change, but he can't see change happening before his very eyes. He brings a a worn out Vietnam anti-war protestor attitude to a modern, assymetrical war. He brings a Black Power vs Whitey attitude to a nation that has changed. He is too late to the ''change'' party.
I'll repeat what I said on another blog. Obama said he would ''end the war responsibly.'' It is impossible to parse that so that it makes any sense. Forget the moonbats and the Bush and America haters. They're gone. But there are many like a friend of mine--intelligent, serious, decently informed--who have fallen hook, line, and sinker for Obama. I find it incomprehensible, but it is so. I hope to God


Michelle Obama Shows Her Warmer Side! Yeah, She Has All The Warmth Of A Cobra.

Michelle Obama was a guest co-host of “The View” yesterday I guess to give a bump to her husband.
Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Michelle Obama, Sherri Shepherd, and Barbara Walters were on cue to give her the bump she looked for.
That woman flat-out gives me the willies. She makes Laura Bush look like Mother Teresa.

It's so disgusting that this woman has been given free campaign time on national television. That "View" show is a disaster waiting to happen, full of a whole bunch of political whores.

Someone said yesterday that republican women don't need a makeover, i.e. Pat Nixon, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush, Laura Bush and now Cindy McCain. It's the democrat women who aren't ready for primetime--Teresa Heinz , Rosalynn Carter, Hillary Clinton and now Michelle (My Belle) Obama. Jackie Kennedy and Lady Bird Johnson could have taught these democrat wives a few things, but class isn't easily taught.
The NY Slimes wrote that "Mrs. Obama made a point of showing her warmer side"
Does a snake have a warmer side?

I think the Damocrats in Congress are playing us like fools

I think the Democrats in Congress are playing us like fools with the gas and oil crunch. They want us to feel the pain so Obama can win on his promise of "change". This is a much better issue than the war in Iraq and on terrorism since we are winning the war. Congressmen are crooks and are using the oil "crisis" for political gain. We have to fight back. Get rid of all of them and start all over. It will cost us because we will have to continue to pay them the rest of their miserable lives, but in the long run, it will be worth it.
Many of those democrats won in that election by a very small majority. That can easily change if the voters are paying upwards of $5 a gallon of gas. I don't know about where yo'll live, but $5 a gallon is not that far off around these here parts.
The pocketbook can be a very great incentive to vote for someone who will make life easier for the person in the Ballot Box.
Nancy Pisslocie had better resign today. Anybody stupid enough to say we cannot drill our way out of this should not hold public office. We can and should drill our way out of this straight to independence and some profit for ourselves. Build refineries in the areas where the drilling would be to eliminate long pipelines that might rupture. Get rid of all the greenie weenies at once. Build nuclear reactors. Today.


When Obama Is Off the Teleprompter.

It is clear Obama’s path to victory is through the teleprompter. Let him give a big speech and he drives it like Tiger Woods hitting a fairway But let him sit for an interview with a well-prepared reporter who isn’t interested in shilling for him and Obama makes mistake after mistake.
Above all Obama wants to avoid appearances where he is unscripted or might have to go beyond memorized responses. Most of the presstitutes are unlikely to pressure Obama. What will it take to force him to appear and be tested, and very likely fail? He can't avoid the presidential debates because they are an established convention. I foresee him trying to negotiate them from being actual debates at all and more like speeches.
Obama won't go on Fox and get grilled by Chris Wallace and Brit Hume (perhaps our best MSN interviewers now that Tim Russert has passed). So the MSM is going to continue to fawn praise on the Obamaassiah. God help us all if this second coming of Jimmy Carter becomes president.

I am Not a racist!

I don’t know about you but I am sick and tired of being called one just because I am a republican . For the last several weeks I’ve listened and read as the mainstream media has blasted on about how Kentucky, West Virginia, and other heartland states aren’t going well for Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama because of his race. As a New Yorker and a former Kentuckian and a member of the latest two states to be accused of blanket hatred as an excuse for Obama’s losses here, I am becoming more than a bit agitated. Let’s be honest. If Obama were a white man and had won the state of Kentucky against Hillary Clinton, then all of us labeled as gun toting, God fearing, rednecks would have been accused of gender hatred for voting against a woman. According to the mainstream media, including the larger print outlets of this state, we’re all bigots of some sort. I am offended and I find this broad generalization of my voting habits to be both wrong and more than a bit ironic. The illustrious press and their bobble-headed intellectuals are having a heyday making the case that Barack Obama’’s poor performance here is a result of deep seeded racism by uneducated voters. For instance, the first exit poll question in West Virginia after their rimary was, "How many years of high school did you complete?" Not "who did you vote for" or "why did you choose the candidate you chose," but basically, "can you read and write?" How is this not bigoted on the part of the media funded research group to frame their poll with such questions? They appear never to have stopped to think that Obama’s double digit losses in areas like this could have more to do with an offense he committed against us rather than one we theoretically committed against him. Does anyone remember his small town America clinging to guns, God and bitterness comment? I’m not bitter –– I’m just mad. The mainstream media has assumed that Kentuckians, who chose another candidate over Obama by a wide margin, could only be doing so because of his race. It’s as if they are saying, "Don’’t those poor uneducated country bumpkins see the throngs of people fainting at Obama’s feet? There is no excuse for this because we know they all have satellite!" I propose some different reasons that many of us aren’t voting for Barack Obama. It may have something to do with his upbringing by a mother who was a member of the Communist anti-western movement. It may have something to do with one of his early mentors, Frank Marshall Davis, who was a card carrying member of the Moscow linked Communist Party of America. Or perhaps his later mentor, the infamous 60’’s radical Marxist agitator, Saul Alinsky. Or it could be Obama’’s "friendly" association with the former Weather Underground terrorist, William C. Ayers. Maybe it’’s that flag lapel pin thing. In and of itself, it’s not that big of a deal whether a candidate wears a flag lapel pin or not, but coupled with his other statements and with Obama’’s wife’’s recent declaration that for the first time in her "adult life" she was ""proud of America,"" it leaves a lot of us proud Americans with some big questions about this guy. Really, Mrs. Obama, the first time you can be proud of America?
You mean you couldn’t be proud when in 1955 Rosa Parks showed the true meaning of the American Spirit and chose not to give up her seat on the bus? Or when in 1964 the hideous Jim Crow laws were abolished by the civil rights act? Or in the 1980’’s when the iron curtain fell and democracy trumped communism? Are the Obamas so self-centered that they are blinded to all of the good things about America?